SHRINE Webclient Help Link
Did you know that you can customize the “Help” link in your local SHRINE webclient?
If your sites has a co-branded ACT website (those of you who have launched ACT to local end users), we recommend you link to it in SHRINE. It may be helpful to end users if you point them to the “Technical Resources” page where they can find information on version updates and the data characterization summary.
The link to this page on the national website is found here for reference. An instruction sheet for making this customization can be found here.
SHRINE 3.0.0 (New Webclient) Information
In 2020, the ACT Network started implementing major upgrades to greatly enhance the researcher’s experience in conducting queries for cohort discovery, one of which was the release of SHRINE 3.0.
With this new webclient, researchers can expect:
- More streamlined and lightweight interface design
- More intuitive for new end users
- Preferred pathway for end users, although the legacy webclient will remain available for the time being
- Sites are just starting to implement the new webclient. Please reach out to your local administrator to learn when your institution will adopt the new webclient.
The below screenshots provide a preview of what to expect with the new interface:

CURRENT ACT Network Version: Upgrading from SHRINE 3.0.0 to SHRINE 3.1.0
Follow the instructions here.
Installing SHRINE 3.1.0
Please click here for files and instructions on how to install SHRINE 3.1.0 for sites who do not currently use the SHRINE server.
Release Notes for SHRINE 3.1.0
Click here to access the release notes for SHRINE 3.1.0.
SHRINE Troubleshooting
Click here to access the SHRINE troubleshooting page.
SHRINE Community Support
Click here to access the SHRINE community and support Wiki.
Additional Help
Additional help resources, including the ACT Jira page, listserv, and key contacts can be found here.