Below is the most up-to-date information regarding current software, network, and technology requirements for sites with a Staging node.
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Current Software Versions

i2b2 Version: 1.7.12A as of July 2020

SHRINE Version: 3.0 as of September 2020

Ontology Version: 2.0.1 with additional COVID V3 ontology as of July 2020

Staging Network Information



Port 6443

Technology Stacks

These pages contain all available resources for i2b2 and SHRINE. This includes installation files, upgrade files, documentation, and release notes.


All ontology resources (including ontology files, ETL, documentation, and release notes) for ontology V2.0.1 and the optional ACT COVID Ontology V3 can be found here.

Site Role Resources

Below are the resources for the various local ACT roles:


There are various avenues available for sites seeking or providing help. All of these helpful resources can be found here.